About the Exhibition
Organized by Taiwan and Kosovo Cultural Exchange Association, Kosovo NEXT10 is an exhibition that aims to visualize Kosovo’s vision in the next 10 years. Through the interactive artworks, the exhibition guides visitors exploring Kosovo’s different aspects, and contributing their ideas for Kosovo’s future in the collective creation to share it with others.

Kosovo Wall
How well do you know about Kosovo? On the Kosovo Wall, we’ve selected 10 interesting facts about Kosovo. With these facts provided, visitors would understand their country thoroughly and be proud of who he / she is as a Kosovar. We’ve applied AR (Augmented Reality) technology in this Kosovo Wall project, so that visitors would learn about the facts using a different perspective.

The best macchiato in the world
Yahoo Travel has rated Kosovo’s macchiato as the best in the world in 2014. Macchiato in Kosovo features in boiled milk and the creamy top. You can find perfect macchiato in almost every cafe shops of Kosovo.The beans are never burned, but the drink has a strong espresso flavor. The milk is sweet, and its frothy milk foam is lighter than air
60% of the population is under 35 years old
Youth is the largest demographic group with tremendous potential to become an agent, a factor of change. They are the focus of the internationals who work in Kosovo, also the focus of startups, companies and outsourcing businesses.

A remarkable Internet penetration rate in Europe
The Internet penetration rate in Kosovo is the highest in Balkan region at 88%. It’s higher than Serbia’s 54%, Albania’s 65% and Slovenia’s 71%. Moreover, its Internet penetration rate is even higher than the 82% in UK. Internet allows Kosovars to tap into the global market.

Religious tolerance since forever
Kosovo is a Muslim country with more than 90% of muslim population. However, the issue of religious tolerance doesn’t seem to affect Kosovars much. The best example can be observed at Ferizaj municipality, where one garden withalmost 100 years of history, boasts both a mosque and a church! There are no tensions between believers on both sides whatsoever, making this yard the one and only unique sightin Europe. It is very truly a fascinating and attractive to look closely.

Underground resource worth more than 1 trillion dollars
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kosovo is endowed with an abundance of enviable natural resources. At 14.7 million tons, Kosovo possesses the world’s fifth-largest proven reserves of lignite. This mineral is of outstanding importance for the country. In the long term, it is expected to become one of the most crucial factors in producing power. Coal is the most significant energy resource in Kosovo, supplying around 97% of the total energy generated in the country.

Active civil society
Kosovo has more than 10 thousand registered NGOs. The majority of cultural activities are initiated by civil society and a large portion of funds are allocated from International Foundations. A great example is DokuFest, which is an annual International Documentary and Short Film Festival held in the Kosovo town of Prizren. Dokufest brings million of euros to the city of Prizren and is the largest festival in Kosovo

Talented footballers
During the European Football championship in 2016, Kosovars played for different national teams such as Switzerland and Albania. The reason why a lot of Kosovars play for other nationalities is that they were refugees in ‘99 and they have lived in western countries ever since. Hence, they play there now.

In the name of love
The parade, called “In the Name of Love, ” was organized by nine non-governmental organizations to raise awareness and end prejudice towards the LGBTQ+ community in Kosovo in 2017. With banners and rainbow flags in hand and cheerful music playing, participants shouted, “There is no gender in love! ” as they walked peacefully between two main squares in Pristina. It is also the first ever pride parade in a Muslim-majority country.

The first female president in Balkan
Atifete Jahjaga is the first female President in Balkan as an independent politician. Inaugurated in April of 2011 as the country’s fourth president, she was in office from 2011 to 2016. During her term of office, President Jahijaga has sought to help 2 of the most important issues in Kosovo’s democracy, which are strengthening the democratic institutions and building a greater international recognition for Kosovo.

Kosovo’s love for USA
All over the land of Kosovo, 3 flags flutter incessantly, Kosovo flag, Albanian flag and the U.S. flag. The help from the USA during and after the conflict with Serbia, has gained the US a remarkable portion of affection from Kosovars. Donation from USAID and other foundations are currently the backbone of projects in Kosovo.
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Production company : Wild Design 野人設計