The act of clicking and seeding starts with one finger.
Corresponding to the four stages of the activity:
Initiate actions→improve the environment→accommodate diversity→deliver ideas
Through the description of the four stages of tree growth, the positive impacts between the tree and the environment are presented by scale from small to large. Finally, the screen returns to click to create an endless cycle of vitality.


▒ Credits
Directed by:野人設計 Wild Design
Client:寶盈集團 BBIN
Project Manager:陳志育 Ida Chen
Creatives:侯思妤 Szu-Yu Hou、陳志育 Ida Chen、 吳昱緯 Phil Wu
Storyboard:侯思妤 Szu-Yu Hou、陳志育 Ida Chen、吳昱緯 Phil Wu
Designer / Illustrator:侯思妤 Szu-Yu Hou
Motion Designers:吳昱緯 Phil Wu、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen、黃敏琇 Mizu Huang
Cel Animation:Stephen Vuillemin
Music & Sound Design:黃榮毅 Eazie Huang